Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Finally, BOTH Aby and R have gotten their letters!
R got hers April 19th and Aby got hers today, April 25th!

And I'm SO glad, cause, both liked their draws! Eeheh...Aby got Yoh and R got Kai!

I have been plotting on sending them a letter for quite a while! Actually...I started on Aby's draw, the day after I got her adress! Evil me...?

I'm just so glad that they both liked it...and that both could read my scrawl!! xD

In school...well...I kick @ss!
We have art-analysis at the moment in Danish. And in History, we read about Second WorldWar. And I have just been watching "Der Untergang" with my family...a German movie about the last time in Hitlers life! (Der Untergang = The End)...So I know quite a bit about that!

I have been working on an "Education Book", where I shall write down my thougths about what I wanna do after school!

What I wrote on: Thougths about your future?
Jeg ved faktisk ikke 100% hvad jeg vil!
Har kun tænkt, at jeg vil ud og rejse og på HF!
Jeg vil gerne rejse til England eller Usa (fordi jeg længe har ønsket mig det og fordi jeg kan sproget).
Et andet ønske er at udgive en fantasy-bog! Har altid elsket at lave mine egne historier og noveller.
Et lille ønske om, en dag, at komme til at bo I Japan har været i mit baghovede siden jeg var 11.

Hvis det HELE slå fejl, har jeg tænkt mig at blive lærer, muligvis på en efterskole!

Translated does that mean:

I'm not 100% sure of what I want to do!
I have only thougth about that I will out and travel and onto HF*!
I really wamt to travel to England or USA (because I have wished for it for quite a while and because I can speak the language).
Another wish, is to publish a fantasy-book! I have always loved to make my own stories and novels!
A very tiny wish is, maybe one day, to go Japan and live there. I have thoughed of that idea, since I was 11 years old.

If IT ALL is going to fail, then I have been thinking to become teacher on a continuation school!

(*HF = Kind-of Gymnasium! A little easier that the "real" Gym!)


A...A...Aru!?? O,O;;

Thought of you at... |4/25/2006 05:07:00 PM|


Friday, April 21, 2006


So it finally happened...

From now on and 6 months forth, I'll be on Fluoxetin(c), against my depresion!
Nothing to be sad about! Now I got help and I'll soon, I hope, feel better and happier!

I'm NOT sick! There's just something missing in my head!

I was talking with Iben today, I stayed home as I did Wedensday, and told her that my angst and rage is barely "sleeping" under my skin.
I has been doing pretty good through the easter vacation. I has been creative and done a lot of things, still without getting stressed.
I have cleaned, vashed clothing, made homework, walked around a lot with Tyson in my town and in the garden, I have learned to use a Tablet and...well...have learned more about Photoshop!

Wanna see?

I will gladly show you! ^___^

Edward without colour...


Edward WITH colour!!!

Do you like it? Please tag a comment! xD
It took me about 4 or 5 hours! I say you...


It's hard, it takes time and there's no guarantee that it always will end beautiful!


Ps. there is laying "something" in both R and Aby's mailboxes!

Thought of you at... |4/21/2006 10:04:00 PM|


Friday, April 14, 2006


Is it spring or...?
Well at first, the sun is shinning and the moment after, is it going down in buckets!! (Sweatdrop)

Oh wells...

I'm sorry for the bad sound quallity on the music on my blog...it was the best I could find! It's the instrumental version of "Brothers~Bratja"

The family have visit by Lis and Bruno, Thomas mother and stepfather, a little hour ago. They were sweet and kind as ever!

I still haven't made my stupid homework and I've run into a dead end with Photoshop...the painting and the colours! *dies*

...and I'm tired...is still haveing problems with my sleep. Damnit!


Thought of you at... |4/14/2006 04:44:00 PM|


Sunday, April 09, 2006


Thougths is going to Aby, whom is having an evil curfew from TV and computer for ONE MONTH!

*hands out kleenex*

My poor Aby-chan! T-T

Me...Finally vacation! Easter vacation rocks! XD
Finally time to sleep long! Hehe...and learn how to draw with Tablet in Photoshop!
Yes you did just read that! Nati has finally learned how to use that damn program and the Tablet is one I got today!
It's fuc*ing hard in the start, but you gets used to it!

  1. I have wished for this very long!
  2. I found a GREAT tutorial on deviantArt.com
  3. Because I HAVE to do something to occupy my mind, else I'll get a depresion again...

I still got a book analysis to do and some other things, but I really don't care rigth now! I'll first have to go back to school next monday!

So now, I'll go into the kitchen and bake brownies!


Thought of you at... |4/09/2006 04:46:00 PM|


Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Torben, sience teacher, scared me half to death again. It ain't more than 3 says ago, I first time saw how much he looked like...he resembles too much to dad! They look so alike...shiiiiiiit! Suddenly I knew why I always feels so sick when Torben is around!!

Dun wanna talk about it!!


*happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths happy thougths!!!*

FMA! *Nati is Nati and when Nati is sad, then Nati thinks of FMA!*

Fullmetal Alchemist OVA II - Chibi Party -

[(That one is making you laugh your pants off! I SWEAR!!)]


Fullmetal Alchemist OVA III - Homunculus VS Alchemists -

[(That one is making you gasp! It's so cool! Figths, Figths and a...special "viewe" of the drama! *smiles* You'll like it! I PROMISE!)]

Nati walks laughing out...and turns back when the rain is coming down in buckets for the 4th day, non-stop! -_-;;

Thought of you at... |4/05/2006 05:11:00 PM|


Monday, April 03, 2006



Fullmetal Alchemist OVA I

*Cries into my old bucket*
A very short tell about what (migth) could have happened to Ed in our world, 60-70 years after The Conqueror of Shambala!

It's now 4 days since this one and two other FMA OVA's was released in Japan! THIS IS SO CRY-CRY-CRY!!!

About today...
I was at school, had to go crying home at 10 o'clock, was home, drove with mama to Iben, talked long and good together with them, cried again, drove home, slept for 2 hours, went to school again and got all painting and draws sold!

80 DKK (1$ = 7 DKK) was my drawings sold for! A lot of people commented them though!

Thank you for the support guys!


Thought of you at... |4/03/2006 08:39:00 PM|


Sunday, April 02, 2006


So it went April...
Did somebody wise not once say that the spring should be here by April? Phew! No way! It's raining down in buckets here! It have done so for 3 days now!


I'm still behind in homework (I screw math and german for now) but have read that frickin book Lone-sensei had forced on the class.

Tomorrow I'm going to sell my art! 1 painted and 3 drawn!
Hell, I'm nervouse! Who will bid? How much will they bid? ARG! MY INTIRE CLASS AND THEIR PARENTS WILL BE THERE!! DAMNIT!


...on someway I'm glad that no one is coming from my house...

*Droooooooooool!! Edo-kun!!*

By the way...I'm still being haunted by thoes damn nigthmares. They are sometimes so brutal that I wakes up at nigth and is haveing the feeling that something is moving outside my window. Dreaming about death, murder, voices that tells me to die, darkness, pain and suicide!

I'm going to see Iben tomorrow. Thank godness!

Nati turns the music onto "FMA the Movie OST - Kelas (Let's dance)"

Thought of you at... |4/02/2006 04:00:00 PM|


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